Our Industrial Facilities Engineering Team specializes in solutions to help our clients build, operate, and maintain their facilities more efficiently. 

    Direct Contact

    Taylor Foster
    Manager, Industrial Department
    9037530663 Email

    The team’s experience includes the design of new, large, greenfield plants but our core specialty is working inside existing plants, while they are producing product, to enhance production or replace retired equipment.  Keeping a plant running while components and equipment are removed and replaced is a very difficult feat for most, but the team at Johnson & Pace appreciates the challenge and with such a wide array of experience, can creatively develop a plan that will work well and minimize production disruption. 

    Depending upon the needs of the individual project, we can provide industrial site design, utility design, building design, conveyor design, structural steel support structure design, building and equipment foundation design, piping design, etc.  We also offer construction support services including construction observations ranging from daily on-site construction assistance to monthly or periodic observations; we also provide submittal and shop drawing review,  construction contractor coordination, etc.

    • Wood Product Facilities (OSB Plants, Plywood Plants, Lumber Mills, Pellet Mills & Cross Tie Plants)
    • Oil and Gas Production Facilities
    • Oil Blending Facilities
    • Explosives Manufacturing Facilities
    • Chicken Processing Plants
    • Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Stations
    • Railroad Facilities
    • Various Manufacturing Facilities